miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Liam en twitter + Noel Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere


to all Noely G fans all around the world… get your Bon Bons, live forever.. LG

Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere

Well that gig at The Roundhouse was..erm..very odd. What'siz'name exploded with pretend rage the minute he walked on. Strange cat. Probably on his man period. Saying that, it was a full moon'n'all. Didn't notice him getting any more hairy though. Mind you, those that were there seemed to enjoy it, so..y'know, onwards and sideways.

Didn't stick around after the gig. Just couldn't be arsed. Too many squares for my liking.

Just on the way to Heathrow. Off to Japan / South Korea for a week. My phone doesn't work out there so there'll be a break in transmission. Will spill any relevant beans when I get back.

In a bit.


Noel se refirio al concierto de ayer diciendo que le parecio raro, comentando el hecho de ayer y afirmando que la gente la paso bien.

En esa nota de Oasisnet cuenta que la banda esta tomando asesoramiento legal por la nota de The Guardian.

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